This is a great way to meet your neighbors and spread kindness while showing God’s Love. Place your Amazon order through an online friend’s affiliate link. Call or text your spouse at work just to say “I love you.”. Offer to babysit for a friend or relative so that they can have a quiet afternoon alone or a date night with a spouse. Support restaurants. Here’s my list of ideas for random acts of kindness that anyone can turn into a reality. Leave a love note or note of encouragement for your spouse or kids. 7. Bake cookies for a neighbor. If you’re the grandparent do this idea that I read a long time ago and have stored away for future reference: Buy a book for your grandkids. On this World Kindness Day, let’s spread kindness with heart by these ideas for random acts of kindness. Real. I knew that if I were going to come anywhere close to accomplishing my goal, many of the acts would have to be random acts of kindness that can be done from home – either for my family, for a neighbor, or for a friend or relative via phone or snail mail. Buy gift cards or merchandise from your favorite local eateries, order from online menus, or donate to their GoFundMe pages. 13. How about you try some of these ideas … A while back, I posted 50 Random Acts of Kindness based on a list that my Facebook friends helped me compile. 3. Serve a meal at a homeless shelter. 101 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas. Just do the ones that sound fun to you. 44. Rein and Shine, a therapeutic riding facility in Awendaw that offers programs for adults and children with disabilities of all kinds, started a GoFundMe page for donations that will go toward feeding and caring for the horses that make this important service possible. Wendy loves working out and teaching Training for Warriors classes at her local gym. Now, I’ll just be completely honest and say I’m already behind, but the fact is, even if it only works out to 200-something RAOK, or 100-something, or only 50 or so, every random act of kindness makes the world a nicer place.. 31. Noah, age 23, was the second homeschool graduate and the first to leave the nest. 51 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas We’ve all heard inspiring stories where a complete stranger does something to help someone else out. The greater the number of people that commit to performing these acts of kindness, the more exponential the effect because of its contagious nature. Acts of Kindness Ideas for Adults are on page 2--scroll down to the middle of the page… _____ Save points-earning items (ex. Stop what you’re doing and pray right then. 6. Read all about it. Sign up now (it’s free!) 26. 14. 16. 22. 12. These are provided for your convenience, and the price isn't increased at all. ... from an early age, it’s really never too late to start spreading the kindness contagion. You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. Cut out hearts and write thank you, and tape the message to the inside of your mailbox as a way of thanking your local postal worker for delivering the mail. Carry a neighbor’s newspaper to their front door. 33. See more ideas about random acts of kindness, kindness, raok. One section is focused on the workplace and these one’s worked for me: Invite someone new to lunch. Here are 20 ideas on how you can say thank you, spread joy, and give back to the community — all from your own home! Wendy is one of the owners of Hip Homeschool Moms, Only Passionate Curiosity, Homeschool Road Trips, Love These Recipes, and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Though it’s great to get kids started with the habit of paying it forward from an early age, it’s really never too late to start spreading the kindness contagion. Giving a smile to someone can make that persons day. 32. 20. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Get some silly glasses and wear them until you make someone laugh. Donate books to a local Little Free Library, or swap books with neighbors. For some simple recipes, visit Mary Grace, age 17, is the remaining homeschool student. Bake cookies for the elderly 3. Pin. Jump To a Section Below . Random acts of kindness ideas are all around us, from volunteering at your local food bank to helping an elderly neighbor move some furniture. Then, they’ll get a bingo card with random acts listed. Our family loves completing random acts of kindness! If you use Freecycle, respond to a “wanted” request. While your spouse is in the shower, throw a towel in the dryer for a few minutes, so he or she can have a warm towel when he gets out. Challenge your kids to do something kind every day! Our Kindness Stories; How to Get Involved. 5. 35. Aug 7, 2015 - Explore Karen Vear's board "Kindness" on Pinterest. Compliment a stranger. Bury treasure at the playground for other kids to enjoy. Nov 5, 2020 - How to teach kids about kindness, empathy and compassion. If you use Paperback Swap, send a book to a friend or donate credits to send books to schools in need. Visiting sick patients with cancer children, adults, elderly, you don’t even know the happiness they feel when they have someone just hug them, read to them, talk with them, take them for a walk if possible around the hospital, It makes you take for granted the simple things in life that we sometimes complain about and puts it in a whole new perspective.. Take a shelter dog for a walk, just getting them out of their kennel for 30 mins can mean a world of difference for that dog. Hannah, age 25, has autism and was the first homeschool graduate in the family. 9. Help horses. Leave a treat on the desk of a coworker with whom you normally don’t get along. Kids can help make cookies and deliver them to neighbors as a fun way to be kind to the people in your neighborhood. Learn how your comment data is processed. Tweet. Write inspirational chalk messages on your driveway. Volunteer. 12. Take in your neighbor’s bins and cans on trash and recycling day. Donate Blood. Random acts of kindness can lift up anyone’s spirits, and you hold the power to make someone’s day with some small but selfless acts. A few … They live in Mount Pleasant and Pamela works from home as a freelance graphic designer, writer and editor while also taking care of aforementioned children. Order a magazine subscription for someone. Simple and Free Random Act of Kindness Ideas. Sometimes you need to give your kids some ideas to get their minds churning. Send letters to our military overseas. , Your email address will not be published. Dec 2, 2020 - Explore Shauna Bullock's board "Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Ideas", followed by 238 people on Pinterest. Pledge your support. RAK Foundation . 30. I’d add #51. Make a lemonade or popsicle stand on a hot day and give the treats away for free. Change a Life; Dreams to Acts; Dreams to Acts: Nicaragua; Hope to Haiti; Programs. Create your own “Do Good Jar” like this one from My Joy-Filled Life. Count down to Christmas with 24 Random Acts of Christmas Kindness ... Want even more acts of kindness ideas for kids? You choose which activities to do and when to do them—so no pressure. Here are 20 ideas on how you can say thank you, spread joy, and give back to the community — all from your own home! These are bound to cheer up walkers and runners who are exercising and getting fresh air. Bake homemade dog treats and drop them off to friends and neighbors who have pets. Reach out. 8. Martin Kornfeld. 51 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas We’ve all heard inspiring stories where a complete stranger does something to help someone else out. 20 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas. Distribute random hugs. We’ve got lots of acts of kindness ideas that kids can do. I love random acts of kindness. How about you try some of these ideas … From chalk drawings to donating to local nonprofits, no act of kindness is too small these days. (I live in Mississippi, so I’ll have to take y’all’s word on that one.). 1. 38. Then, record (video or audio) yourself reading it aloud. Mow the lawn, rake leaves, or shovel snow for a neighbor. 3. Acts of Kindness. Distribute random hugs. It can reduce stress, improve our emotional wellbeing and even benefit our physical health. Grow goodness. Leave a treat on the desk of a coworker with whom you normally don’t get along. Plant a tree. 8. (I volunteer at my local shelter and it is one of my favorite stress relievers), This is something that happened to me, my father in law recently passed away and we found a stash of ones over 3,400 dollars worth, so I took a few hundred of it and just handed it out randomly, I gave bigger tips to the pizza guy, tips to the gas attendants at my wawa, tips to the personnel inside wawa, bought my mom some tote bags at a show we went to, I gave out so much I can’t even remember who else I handed it to I just gave it away….. Get some silly glasses and wear them until you make someone laugh. Tips for your kids Teaching your children compassion and kindness for others is one of the best things you can give them. They are guaranteed to infuse positivity into your day and to others as well. Welcome and get to know new hires. Sign up. Text a friend and tell them how much you miss them or what you enjoy most about your friendship. 2. 47. While I mentioned before, I love for my acts of kindness to be anonymous, this type of game has helped groups have even more fun paying it forward. Give an unexpected compliment. Updated on December 5, 2019 | Published on December 5, 2019. You can send them my kindness hearts printable pages to help them take the challenge to make random acts of kindness the norm in 2021. published Nov 9, 2020. I usually do a “porch pick-up” so that the recipient picks the item up off my front porch. Random Acts of Kindness. Quirky. Sing Christmas Carols at a nursing home – Then have everyone over to your house after for cookies and cocoa. Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world. Looking for ways to lift your family's spirits while lifting the spirits of others? Compliment a loved one in the morning to make their day bright as it starts. 23. Random Acts of Kindness Ideas. As birthday parties, work happy hours, and dinners with friends have all gone virtual, many of us are looking for ways to give back to others to help lift the spirits of those around. You seem like a pleasant person. Here are some fun ways to celebrate RAK Week & RAK Day 2020! Here are 101 random acts to try: Have your kids choose a charity to which they can donate a portion of their allowance. 4. Walk a neighbor’s dog. Can-do spirit. 99 Best Random Acts of Kindness Ideas To Spread the Love Marcus Aurelius once said; “Very little is needed to make a life happy, it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Send an online gift card to a friend. They have lived and seen so many amazing things. Random Acts of Kindness. Post date 21 January 2019. See if your local animal shelter has an Amazon wish list (ours does) and order something that they need. Pick up overturned trashcans and/or return them to their rightful place. When’s the last time you did a random act of kindness, just because? Pay a bill online for a friend who’s struggling financially. The two left-handed parents have two adorable right-handed children — Wolfe, 5, and Selah, 4 — and one unruly black Lab, named Lefty. From teddy bears to rainbows, people have been putting adorable items in their windows for children and neighbors to find. Welcome and get to know new hires. AND we’ve included a free printable for you at the end of this post with all of these ideas! Clip coupons that you don’t need and donate them to someone who does…or save them until you go to the store and leave them beside the products that they’re for. She loves champagne, Bluegrass music and South Park. Walk dogs at the animal shelter. Check out these 28 random acts of kindness for kids! 43. 34. Home » 40+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for All Ages. Dec 23, 2016 - Explore Susan Chapman's board "Random Acts of Kindness", followed by 400 people on Pinterest. For example, Dockery’s on Daniel Island has a family-style meal that can be ordered online and provides free delivery to Mount Pleasant, Sullivan’s Island and Isle of Palms. Order plants online and all donations go toward the local organization that promotes garden-based education and school garden programs. Write away. 1. Light it up. There are some random things you can do which don’t require a good amount in your bank account. Once a quarter or twice a year, as a family, gather up toys, books, clothing to donate to a … 40+ Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for All Ages. Donate online to an organization that you support – or that you’ve thought about supporting, but never have. While the PDF may be outdated, the ideas aren’t. Visit to fill out an application. These are some great ideas! If you’re interested, here’s a link to Random Acts of Kindness for Kids–24 ideas for raising grateful and kind kids. Lowcountry Local First provides a list of local independent businesses and information about how to give back through its website. Write a poem for a friend. 45. 7. Random Acts of Kindness. When you’re preparing a meal, make extra and freeze it for when someone else may need it. 39. 42. 21. Random Acts of Kindness Ideas. I know you said from home, but I really want to add: tell a store keeper you really like their store. by Taryn Williford. The list gives them over 100 random acts of kindness ideas that they can use at home, school, and in the community. 18. These “random acts of kindness” even have a whole week devoted to the concept in mid-February. In this post, we are featuring the best 115 random acts of kindness ideas that you can use to make the world a better place. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 46. There are so many different ways to show kindness to others. And I love the name of your blog! Helping an elderly person put their grocery’s in their car for them. The class recorded each act on a small heart and organized the hearts into a collage. Volunteering and community involvement is an important part of living a healthy life. She married her high school sweetheart, Scott, 29 years ago, and they live in the South with their three children. Share . See more ideas about kindness activities, random acts of kindness, kindness. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has a PDF with a long list of ideas. It seems so easy, but any exposure that helps spread the word about their services is likely to be appreciated by hard-working small business owners. Your email address will not be published. While the PDF may be outdated, the ideas aren’t. When you live in the country and are plowing your driveway and mailbox area, add another 20 feet or so of your back country road to your plowing. 18. Or, support The Green Heart Project through their spring plant sale. Random Acts of Kindness Game. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and make connections with those around you. I know I’ve missed some great ideas, so add yours in the comments – remember, the suggestions should be things that can be done from home. The greater the number of people that commit to performing these acts of kindness, the more exponential the effect because of its contagious nature. As social distancing has become a big priority throughout the world, we have started to practice communicating without any interaction. Required fields are marked *. Send a card in the mail to someone you miss. 3. Apartment Therapy’s Holiday Cure is your 20-day guide to being comfortable, calm, and in control of a clean space during what can sometimes be a chaotic season. These 20 ideas for random acts of kindness projects for your family will help you all be intentional about caring for people. For this, you would want to have a list of random acts of kindness ideas and have the kids mark off as many as they can in a set period of time. Use of original text or photos without permission is a violation of copyright.Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Disclosure Policy,, 10 Reasons You Should Definitely NOT Homeschool, 100+ Hands-On Activities for Middle School and High School, 25 Random Acts of Kindness for Your Husband. There's a good mix of activities: various random acts of kindness meant to be done in your home & neighborhood, writing prompts, self-care activities and fun coloring pages too. 50. If so, please help by sharing it! Let someone cut in front of you in line. 20 Small Acts of Kindness that Will Spread Love and Make Somebody’s Day. If a student doesn’t know how they can show kindness, encourage them to draw a slip and complete the challenge; Set up a Random Acts of Kindness calendar; Create kindness “cootie catchers” and write down ideas under each flap Below you’ll find links to dozens of posts with a total of hundreds of random acts of kindness ideas.. 28 Random Acts of Kindness. Sing a song to a random stranger. Mail letters or postcards to family and friends who live alone or in a different state. Acts of Kindness Ideas for Adults are on page 2--scroll down to the middle of the page… _____ Donate your talents. Research shows that helping others can be beneficial to our own mental health. Check out these 28 random acts of kindness for kids! Check in on an elderly neighbor. 24. Posts on Clarks Condensed contain affiliate links, which I earn a small commission from. Saved from 29. And they will love you and your kids so much as you shower them with love and kindness. Remember a friend or relative’s birthday with an actual in-the-mail or in-person card, rather than just a “Happy Birthday” on Facebook (though that’s nice, too). By Noelle Buhidar With COVID-19 causing us to quarantine and social-distance, we’ve had to adapt quickly to a life in which we don’t get to interact … Send a care package to a military serviceperson overseas. Write a poem for a friend. HERE ARE THE 50 BEST RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS IDEAS THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU TO BE MORE SPONTANEOUS, KIND AND COMPASSIONATE . Random Acts of Kindness. Take action and carry out a random act of kindness for someone else. Honest. Sprinkle random acts of kindness throughout your personal and online communities to build support and kindness in communities all around you. For each one they’ve accomplished, they’ll be able to cover it as that act is called. photo credit. Perhaps this is a way to get your kids excited about acts of kindness as well and introduce your kids to the great feeling from doing good. Stereotype-smashing humor for homeschooling families. 28. Hospitals are always in need of blood. My mother always said, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!”. See our collection of fun kindness ideas, inspirational stories & quotes, FREE K-8 lesson plans and more. Grab these free kindness lesson plans for your studies: Random Acts of Kindness. AND we’ve included a free printable for you at the end of this post with all of these ideas! On this World Kindness Day, let’s spread kindness with heart by these ideas for random acts of kindness. Aesop. 37. 2. Make Kindness The Norm. Credit: Heather Keeling. This is not a gimmick. Donate books to donate to their GoFundMe pages or give a friendly nod at a nursing residents! Visit https: // for more information and to others store can make someone laugh working out and Training... 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