Jo¨nsson, S. (1982). Approximately 20 per cent of the time the current estimated cost was equal to, or less than, the target cost, and the product design was immediately released to the production group at Tatsuno, the Wrm’s initial camera production plant. In discharging their MODERNIZING GOVERNMENT 203 speciWc remits, public auditors should seek to cooperate with other auditors and use each other’s work, with a view to minimizing any overlap of audit examinations, for example by exchanging evidence or by joint audits (National Audit OYce 1999: 5; Public Audit Forum 1999: 10; Ling 2002). (1994). STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT 377 Comparing three business models Per customer Network investment Hook-up investment Start-up cost Annual revenue Cash margin (%) Cash margin ($) Annual cash operating expenses 10-Year IRR (real) Jackson Cable franchise CHC Model Charlotte Gold (560) (250) (164) 594 56% 331 (86) 15.7% (1000) (500) (4080) (1260) (964) 1500 56% 840 (541) (Negative) 1500 67% 1000 (500) 19þ% What does CHC need to do to generate positive lifetime NPV for one Gold customer in the Charlotte market? Standard costs and budgets render the behaviour of individuals visible, making them responsible for the extent of their wastefulness and ineYciency. However, this implies that, for a Wxed bonus pool, agent 1’s compensation is decreasing in y2 , even though y2 contains no information about agent 1’s action choice. There is similitude in both the digital modes of reporting on economic activity and the digital nature of products being transacted and about which the Wnance and accounting function seeks to report. Where the European devotees of von Clausewitz (Moltke, SchlieVen, Foch) were still obsessed with battle, Mahan switches the frame of reference. New Rules of Sociological Method. Thus, the target costing system provided an early warning of the need to initiate a product-speciWc Kaizen costing intervention. Various typologies have developed to classify the speciWc competitive stance of an SBU, and have been adopted by many MCS researchers to facilitate the analysis of the relationship between business strategy and MCS. ‘The Surprising Economics of ‘‘People Business’’ ’, Harvard Business Review (June): 80–90. Chandler’s great hero (1965), Daniel McCallum of the New York and Erie Railroad, was appointed ‘Superintendent of Railroads’,27 and Wnally Haupt himself. With help from local employees and managers, Davis was able to create the Charlotte income statement shown in Exhibit 4. The department achieved this target by simply refunding many customers the cost of their tickets. Moreover, this kind of globalizing approach is also that which will come to frame business thinking in the new global multidivisional corporations that are beginning to take shape during the very period in which he is writing. 8.7 The history of the present: implications for the theory of business strategy today Returning to our starting point—locating SMA—the primary concern of this chapter has been not simply with rewriting the history of strategy, but with rethinking strategy as it is and exists today, as ‘disciplinary power’ with accounting at its core. In short, many management accounting experiments are not ‘successful’, failing to implement new and enduring calculative visibilities (Preston et al. They include the possibility to assign diVerent weights to errors in costs of diVerent cost objects in their error measure. Further, agent 2’s compensation increases in y2 . CONTRIBUTORS xv Jan Mouritsen is Professor of Management Control at the Copenhagen Business School. However, they encouraged conformity and distorted communications that conXicted with the requirements for successful formulation and implementation of strategy. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. First, it is important to provide strategy with a history, in order to ACCOUNTING AND STRATEGY 169 prevent false assumptions from claiming the status of truth. These changes also have minimal impact on the buyer’s product. It seems to me that there is not a suYcient number of young management accounting academics in the UK to replace the people who will be retiring in the near future. Open book accounting was introduced to provide logistics management with access to time and cost information about production processes, which assisted the company to coordinate supplier activities and improved production Xexibility. Intellectual capital is commonly deWned as complementary to Wnancial capital, and comprises the accumulated knowledge of a Wrm, both in dynamic and in static terms (i.e. Expectations conveyed by the restaurant’s global system of performance measurement were localized, contested, and changed continually by speciWc actions occurring within each restaurant. In other words, these models were used only some of the time, especially when it came to strategic capital expenditures. Another relevant Wnding of the case studies reinforced what we described in our earlier CIMA research project as the decentring of accounting knowledge (see Scapens et al. ‘Paradox in Project-Based Enterprise: The Case of Film Making’, California Management Review, 40: 125–39. First, he refers us to strategy’s distant origins, right back to its ‘Wrst mention in the Old Testament’, but concentrating mainly on its Greek etymology. Cummings (2002: 3–7). Standard costing and budgeting, return on investment (ROI), discounted cash Xow (DCF), break-even analysis, activity-based costing (ABC), the balanced scorecard (BSC), and much more all share this aspiration to create and shape the capacity of individuals to calculate and to measure the performance of themselves and others. In recent years these ‘improved’ performance measures have become popular, with many organizations adopting them. The relatively low percentage (11 per cent) for ABC in the previous Wve years, as compared to the earlier survey (31 per cent), may have been due to the small sample size and the predominance of larger companies in the earlier survey. Bromwich, M. (1974). Structural capital is the only element that the Wrm actually owns as proprietary knowledge, and contains the various systems of the organization, e.g. The cost pools were conformed to match the functional groups and certain reporting processes were adapted to supply the information required by the new technique. Managerial Uses of Accounting Information. 17.2.6 BALANCED SCORECARD In the design of a BSC, Kaplan and Norton (1992) argue for the inclusion of non-Wnancial measures and variables. LangWeld-Smith, K. (1997). Although individual component parts of such systems may approach this degree of rationality, it is unlikely that the total package of control measures that are in place at any point in time will possess such a degree of coherence. The literature in accounting, economics, and Wnance addressing capital budgeting issues between the 1950s and 1980s focused on the above noted informational impediments, often in the context of the following questions: How should future cash Xows (derived from future revenues and costs) be forecasted? A key objective of this chapter has been to emphasize that management accounting, and more speciWcally MASs, should play an important role in rectifying informational impediments to capital investments. This is not the case in a network. But by assumption, the latter CONTRACT THEORY AND MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING 25 case does not hold. Some Wrms might not want to adopt target costing because of high levels of innovation in their products. Major suppliers were typically brought in after product conceptualization had been completed and the design of the product was nearly Wnalized. Olympus Optical’s production cost control and reduction approach focused primarily on removing material, labour, and some overhead costs from products; for example, selling, general, and administrative costs associated with the control and procurement departments were included in the cost reduction objectives. Such broad concerns are behind our investigation, which can be narrowed to a question of how management accounting responds to the challenges that operations management poses for itself in research and practice today. Mauriel, J. J. and Anthony, R. N. (1966). Best Faces Forward. There is also much to study within the motion picture industry that is of interest to management accounting and control. Strategy emerged as an identiWable subject area in the 1970s and early 1980s. In addition, the agent has the same action choice incentive and the principal and the agent receive the same expected utility under the second arrangement as under the Wrst. Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28(7–8): 715–41. This greatly complicates the principal’s problem because the principal now must search over the entire space of compensation contracts, including those that induce the agent to misreport his or her private information. The interactive use of integrated performance measures involves processes whereby the measures are used to generate an information network within the organization that scans and reports on change. 16.2 Comprehensive Home Communications: a case study The 1996 Telecommunications Act opened the local telecommunications marketplace in the USA to unregulated competition. Even ‘modern’ cost accounting such as activity-based costing (ABC) is a problem. For example, a US-based Wrm planning a long-term strategy of positioning itself in a foreign market (e.g. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. —— and King, R. (1997). Instead, the market is interested in using the correlation structure of the model to estimate the cash Xow noise terms and therefore uses cov («x , «1 ) to make that estimate. It just happens: if the structural conditions are in place, lean manufacturing will work. This is termed the ‘hidden action’ or ‘moral hazard’ problem. Up to this point, all of the contracts we have discussed have been explicit. The only time we would not make use of an additional performance measure is when it satisWes the so-called ‘suYcient statistic condition’ (Holmstro¨m 1979). Lookup tables can give expected cost eVects of certain variations of process parameters. And yet, while nuclear weapons may have deterred another world war, nevertheless, as some of the Wrst ‘nuclear’ strategists (Brodie and Brodie 1973: 282) observed, beneath the nuclear umbrella there was still scope for conXict in all its traditional forms. Given the strategic importance attached to this new product and the parts commonality programme, postponement or cancellation were considered unacceptable. There may be several reasons for this, such as the concentration of researchers on top-level controls, the prevalence of many diVerent control practices at lower levels, and the unfamiliarity of accounting researchers with the types of non-accounting controls (including production line layout and physical inventory controls) that have gained increased importance at Wrst-line management levels. 13.4 Conclusions on budgetary control It is possible to view planning and control techniques as a spectrum. SpeciWcally, often asked is whether costs incurred for environmental purposes are expensed or capitalized? When I began my academic career, and subsequently throughout the 1970s, almost all my colleagues, and this was the case in most UK universities, had professional accounting training before, or at sometime during, their academic career. Instead, practitioners used full costing techniques. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. An important issue is whether measures of economic value are superior performance measures. This has been a much needed development, as it has become apparent that Wnancial controls alone are insuYcient to guide an organization. In digitized organizations where physicality is limited to electron Xows and where processes are manifested as instantaneous blips, management approaches resting on physical observability, visual transparency, and trust in spatial changes have to be reconsidered. Perera, S., Harrison, G., and Poole, M. (1997). —— (1987). Bhimani, A. Written in a simple and accessible manner, this book will serve as an insightful guide to researchers, policy-makers, industry practitioners and enterprises and those who are keen to learn from the Singapore experience. (none of these high-tech ways is of course restricted to either the military or the business worlds). —— Nohria, N., and Tierney, T. (1999). Planning:study the future and arrange the means for dealing with it— fore casting, goal setting, determine actions. . ‘Two-Part Share Contracts, Risk, and the Life Cycle of Stars: Some Empirical Results from Motion-Pictures Contracts’, Journal of Cultural Economics, 28: 37–56. ‘Capital Budgeting and the Value of Information’, Management Accounting Research, 1: 21–35. By focusing on particular functional services, rather than taking a cross-cutting or client-focused approach, and by sharpening the focus on failing services, central government has been viewed as discouraging service providers from changing the ways services are organized to deliver long-term beneWts. As part of this initiative Michael Bromwich was charged with the responsibility for setting up a network of management accounting researchers, and for commissioning literature surveys.1 In December 1979 a conference was organized by Bromwich and Hopwood at the London Graduate School of Business at which various papers were presented reviewing the state of ‘British Accounting Research’ (see Bromwich and Hopwood 1981). Each chapter encompasses discussions of basic premises complemented by insights from modern-day practice, research, and thought. We have considered the performance measurement and governance requirements associated with these Xexibilities, and the obligations these impose for the monitoring of the new partnership arrangements so as to provide a ‘balanced’ view of progress that ‘reXects the business activity as a whole’. By contrast, institutional theorists argue that the visible structures, control practices, and routines that make up organizations are the consequences of legitimated templates that are established (or institutionalized) within the larger environment. Fields that retain value are the ones that invest in understanding their body of knowledge and how they may learn from others. New York: Financial Research Foundation. ‘Corporate Restructuring of British and German Non-Financial Firms in the Late 1990s’, European Management Journal, 21(4): 409–20. 17.2.5 ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING ABC in the context of corporate environmental concerns is sometimes referred to as the ‘environmentally friendly cost accounting’ (Todd 1992). These two actors viewed productivity as a facet of organizational functioning that could be improved via outsourcing and innovation as a need for new products, which should then be ‘stabilized’ through the organization’s planning system. Malina and Selto (2001) provide evidence that BSCs were successful in communicating strategy. More recently, improvements to budgeting can be seen as restoring the connections between these other two important processes. Description : This volume draws together contemporary topics, themes and methodologies in the field of sustainability reporting and assurance to reveal how sustainability information is actually used, interpreted and processed by internal and external users. This format follows the supply chain in that market. This may be why there is still a wish to get cost data. But not everyone recognizes that he spent some of his formative years at the London School of Economics (LSE) during the 1950s. One of the more intriguing areas of study is the nature of celebrity. In addition, decoupling may not occur and systems may not be rationalized myths. 3. Bhimani, A. Whether or not our costing system is pay-oV adequate will depend on whether or not our pricing decision would be the same for all the potential costs of product X that are signalled. Leipzig (2005) presents a dismal picture of the odds. The formation of (new) knowledge starts out from the individual knowledge held by human capital elements, either formally members of the organization or not. But this was thought to be due to the practitioners’ lack of understanding, and that the researchers had an educational role in communicating the optimal techniques, such as marginal costing and the emerging economic decision models, to those practitioners. Porter, M. (1980). ‘The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal’s Problem’, American Economic Review, 63: 134–9. A variant of this technology is THE CONTINGENT DESIGN OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES 97 where there are non-standard products but the processes are well understood. ‘Aggregation, SpeciWcation and Measurement Errors in Product Costing’, Accounting Review, 69(4): 567–91. (2001) provide evidence that the provision of systematic linkages between measures enhances satisfaction with the systems. —— —— Nagar, V., and Rajan, M. V. (1999). Fischer, B. and Boynton, A. —— —— (1979). Like Michael Bromwich and I, there are quite a few management accounting researchers who joined the research community in the late 1960s and early to mid-1970s, when universities in the UK were expanding and when accounting as a Weld of study was being introduced in many of these universities. To formulate the above hidden action problem, we will use the following notation: x z s (z) h(x, zja) ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ the cash Xow generated by the agent’s action or eVort the performance report on which the agent compensation is based the agreed-upon compensation to the agent if the performance report is z the joint probability that cash Xow x and performance measure z occur given that the agent chose action or eVort a a 2 {aL , aH } ¼ the two possible actions or eVorts from which the agent can choose where aL < aH V(a) ¼ the agent’s disutility for choosing action a, where V (aL ) < V (aH ) U(s(z)) ¼ the agent’s utility from compensation s(z) where U (.) 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